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The Healthy Flavors in Arkansas Blog ︎︎︎BACK

A Healthy Flavors Harvest

Sept 28th, 2022

“On Thursday, August 25, Healthy Flavors Arkansas set out to begin the harvesting process of purple hull peas grown on the Dan-Harton Farm… ”

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Winter Squash

Sept 10th, 2021

“On September 7th, we harvested our winter squash.  Five varieties:  butternut, delicata, black futsu, red kuri and acorn.  Two of these… ”

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Picking Peas

Aug 29th, 2021

“Our first pea picking took place on Aug 25 – 27.  This is the pea picker that the USDA helped us purchase.  After we harvest the peas...”

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Farm Photo Gallery

Aug 27th, 2021

Our first blog post!  A collection of some early farm photos.

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